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National Cycle Route 91 - Enniskillen and the River Erne

2.7 miles (4.3 km)

Open Streetmap This Sustrans cycle route runs mainly along traffic free paths through Enniskillen in County Fermanagh.
On the way you will pass Rossole Lough and Enniskillen Castle while enjoying fine views of the River Erne and the surrounding countryside. The route is also suitable for walkers.

National Cycle Route 91 Open Street Map Open Streetmap - Mobile GPS Map with Location tracking


Rossole Lough, Enniskillen

Rossole Lough, Enniskillen

Enniskillen - Castle & R Erne


GPS Files

GPX File

National Cycle Route 91.gpx (On Desktop:Right Click>Save As. On Ipad/Iphone:Click and hold>Download Linked File)