Basingstoke to Alton
Follow National Cycle routes 23 and 224 from Basingstoke to Alton on this splendid ride through North Hampshire.
The route begins in the War Memorial Park in Basingtoke and heads south along National Cycle Route 23 to Medstead via Cliddesden. This section takes you along quiet country lanes and through some pleasant wooded sections at High Wood and then Cannon Wood.
At Medstead you join National Cycle route 224, heading east towards Alton. This part of the route takes you through Chawton Park Wood on off road trails before heading through Alton Town Centre and finishing at the train station.
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Basingstoke to Alton Ordnance Survey Map
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Basingstoke to Alton Open Street Map
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Basingstoke to Alton OS Map
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Basingstoke to Alton Open Street Map
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Further Information and Other Local Ideas
Near Basingstoke you could pay a visit to Blackwood Forest. The forest has a number of good walking trails and mountain bikes trails to try. Bike hire is also available at the site.
Cycle Routes and Walking Routes Nearby
Elevation Profile