GPS Cycle and Walking Routescycle iconwalk icon

Chichester to Bognor Regis

8.1 miles (13 km)

Ordnance Survey Map Open Streetmap This is a nice, easy short route from Chichester to Bognor Regis which follows National Cycle Route 2 and local cycle paths.
You start in the centre of Chichester and soon join a lovely canalside path along the Chichester Canal. The route then follows another off road path through Chichester's various lakes. A traffic free roadside path and series of quiet roads then lead you to Bognor Regis, finishing near the train station.
Most of this ride is traffic free and with train stations at either end is easily accessible.

Chichester to Bognor Regis OS Map Ordnance survey map - Mobile GPS OS Map with Location tracking

Chichester to Bognor Regis Open Street Map Open Streetmap - Mobile GPS Map with Location tracking

Cycle Routes and Walking Routes Nearby

Elevation Profile

GPS Files

GPX File

Chichester to Bognor Regis.gpx (On Desktop:Right Click>Save As. On Ipad/Iphone:Click and hold>Download Linked File)

Memory Map Route

Chichester to Bognor Regis.mmo (On Desktop:Right Click>Save As. On Ipad/Iphone:Click and hold >Download Linked File)