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Sheerness Way

5.6 miles (9 km)

Ordnance Survey Map Open Streetmap Opened in 2011 this super, circular cycle and walking route, follows a series of safe, traffic free paths around Sheerness on the Isle of Sheppey.
You will run along the attractive Isle of Sheppy coast and Sheerness beach, while there is also a pleasant waterside section along the Queenborough Lines or the canal bank as it is known locally. At the eastern end of the route you'll also pass Barton's Point Coastal Park where there's a pretty lake with birdlife and a beach.
This is a nice family cycle ride as it takes place on flat, off road paths. Walkers looking for an easy circular walk will also find it suitable.
The route is easily accessible, starting and finishing at Sheerness-on-Sea railway station.

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Sheerness Way OS Map Ordnance survey map - Mobile GPS OS Map with Location tracking

Sheerness Way Open Street Map Open Streetmap - Mobile GPS Map with Location tracking

Further Information and Other Local Ideas

The Leysdown Coastal Park and the Elmley National Nature Reserve are other good walking options on the Isle.


Sheerness Beach - - 1805775

Sheerness Beach

Sheerness Beach from close to Garrison Point - - 1333235

Sheerness Beach from close to Garrison Point. This long shingle beach heads past Sheerness towards Minister.

Queenborough Lines - looking west - - 65785

Queenborough Lines. This "canal" was built in 1860 as a defensive moat to protect the naval installations at Sheerness.

Queenborough Lines - looking east - - 65789

Queenborough Lines - looking east. Built in 1860 as a defensive moat to protect the naval installations at Sheerness. This section joins up with the boating lake at Barton's Point.

Barton's point Coastal Park - - 65809

Barton's point Coastal Park. There was a battery here, completed in 1890, and the associated basin, connecting with Queenborough Lines, is now used as a boating lake. The ditches were presumably to help drain this rather marshy land.

Barton's point Canal - - 1019326

Barton's point Canal

Elevation Profile

GPS Files

GPX File

Sheerness Way.gpx (On Desktop:Right Click>Save As. On Ipad/Iphone:Click and hold>Download Linked File)

Memory Map Route

Sheerness Way.mmo (On Desktop:Right Click>Save As. On Ipad/Iphone:Click and hold >Download Linked File)